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계정으로 로그인 기능이 2023년 11월 16일 중단되었습니다.

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▶️ 자세한 공지사항 확인

인스타그램이 페이스북보다 흥하는 9가지 이유

2020.10.13 16:30


조회수 2,589

댓글 3

1. 인스타그램은 인플루언서가 사는 곳입니다.
2. 플랫폼이 지속적으로 업데이트됩니다.
3. 비디오 호스팅 플랫폼입니다.
4. 커뮤니티가 시각적으로 설계되었습니다.
5. 원하는 만큼 스토리를 유지할 수 있습니다.
6. 콘테스트 및 데이터베이스를 수집할 수 있습니다.

7. 올인원 상점이 있습니다.
8. "라이브" 기능은 또 다른 뉴스 도구입니다. 

9. 인스타그램은 이용자들이 가장 많이 즐기는 유일한 'How to platform'입니다.

자세한 내용은 아래 원글 참조

Instagram is the place where influencers live

Whatever was the type of audience you are targetting online.  For sure they have an Instagram page where they get updates about their favorite chef, fashionista, designer, actor, singer, footballer…

Thus you need to take that into consideration, this wave of users either young, teenagers, adults. Whatever was your persona just try to refine your post, to fit their search and the type of content they adore.  

You can also ask for collaboration as a part of an influential marketing strategy to increase traffic to your page and your website link in the bio as well. 

Continuous updates on the platform

We notice that Instagram has been applying various updates regularly to fit the big number of users;  who are enjoying the platform and the content it delivers.

For instance, many users have been trying Instagram reels ( since Tiktok has been banned in the USA) to create videos as Tiktok replacement. and they seem to be satisfied with this experience.

Although it is still in the beginning phase, they are doing good steps and the most pleasing thing is it doesn’t require installing another app, all in -one app. 

Video hosting platform

Some people don’t like to edit videos and spend too much time refining scenes and so on.  Thus they prefer to jump into Instagram IGTV as a solution to raise their voice in a hassle-free approach. 

Community is visually designed

It is no doubt that online users are more interactive and hungry for visual information, images, and illustration and they enjoy them more than written post or article. Even team photos or a cat sitting on the sofa inside your office will generate high interaction.

Survived Stories

Either on Facebook or Instagram, stories used to disappear after 24h. However, on Instagram, your stories can remain as long as you want under the highlights that you labeled.

These highlights can help you to keep information that you want your audience who missed them to be updated. Especially for shops that make discounts and sales on their product for particular periods of time. 

Furthermore, users are more interactive to express themselves in response to the story owner in a private message.  These highlights help you also to classify your business features to raise traffic, engagement rate, and sales as well.  

Contest and database collection

Instagrammers are using the platform to detect the type of content that matches more the audience’s interests and expectations.

Instagram allows you to ask your audience about their preferences and to vote for particular ideas before being released. this helps in determining the type of content or product that fits the target audience. 

And Allows you as a brand to generate data about your customers and try to give them the best alternative that fits their needs. 

Contests also are an amazing marketing tool. you can ask users to tag their friends and share the name of the brand partner to increase traffic in a predefined period.

Customers like giveaways and being rewarded by their favorite brand. You can ask them to share a link, submit their friends, or any networking task. 

All-in-one shop 

The shopping experience is getting more advantages on Instagram.  You can now: 

- Pick the product,

- Determine the price

- Add to the cart

- Move to the checkout without leaving the app.

These features encompass to offer the end-user a comfortable and easy purchase journey in one place.

Because for us, as users or as brands, the most teasing thing is when you click on a CTA button, then you will be sent to another page especially on mobile that seems annoying. 

“Live” is another News tool 

We noticed during the Covid-19, many celebrities went live on Instagram to keep in touch with their fans. Run discussion panel with them in order to alleviate the depression of the quarantine, social distance, and isolation. 

At the same time going live on Instagram is incredibly effective to tell news about your industry and your business even if your business lands on another channel like youtube.  

Instagram is the only ‘’How to platform’’ that users enjoy the most

We meant that Instagram provides tutorials and how-to tips to use its features in a convenient way and that’s good for users who don’t master all the figures of their Instagram account.

This can tell us that Instagram is running to offer the best user experience for all levels of users savvy_medium_low. As long as Instagram is updating the platform. 

Instead of searching online about How To use a particular feature and find an unlimited number of artiles and videos. Go to the platform official page and get the relevant response clearly.

Either if you have a business profile or a personal one. In both cases you will get all needed information.

They are aware that some features may seem unclear or hard to manage for a particular segment. and that’s why the platform is getting more users and content creators are considering it as a go-to place to enhance their business. 

Instagram for Business (like many other official pages)  is an amazing account to get new updates and tips about the platform’s new features and trends. as well as statistics about the user behaviors there.

Adding to that the Instagram blog page is another rich place where you can get valuable information to run your business well. Considering the new updates that the platform reveals in a consistent way.

It gives a complete guide on how to switch to business accounts and getting more advantages that serve your business goals and targeting strategy.

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