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Web CEO V.6 출시

2006.03.02 09:52


조회수 3,664

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1. Who Gets Web CEO 6 For Nothing?

You do for sure. Remember, we promised to never charge for new versions.

2. New Tools, New Features, More Improvements

We at Web CEO are careful listeners. In this release, we added new tools you wanted and features that greatly improve your experience - New things that make tasks less laborious and easier. The improvements to the interface and usability are impossible to count. So, read on to find out about the gems added:

Find Link Exchange Partners with Link Partner Finder. Before now, you could analyze the linking tactics of some of the most successful websites in your industry, spot their partners and approach them manually. Now, with this new tool, you can save a great deal of time.

This new tool allows you to contact the most successful (that is highly ranked websites) in either an automated or semi-automated way. Customizable email templates, partner evaluation and grouping, automatic extraction of email addresses from pages, correspondence scheduling - it’s all included and more!

Manage Your Paid Search Campaigns Through the PPC Campaigns Manager. This tool allows setting up and accessing accounts with the most prominent pay-per-click search engine programs such Google Adwords or Yahoo! Search Marketing from a single dashboard
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